Via Ferrovia, 210
80040 San Gennaro Vesuviano (NA)
BESANA UK limited
Bluestem Road | Ransomes Europark
Ipswich | IP3 9RR
United Kingdom
Founded in 1921
San Gennaro Vesuviano (NA)
Besana is an industrial group with a centenary history in nuts and dried fruit.
Among the world leaders in the production and marketing of nuts, dried fruit, seeds and chocolate, Besana has always had a global vision and a specific attention about healthy foods, organic products and for modern well-being trends.
Besana has an integrated business model with a worldwide network of producers. This virtuous and sustainable supply chain, from the farmer to the consumer, allows a supply of high quality raw materials with full traceability.
The Group operates as a private label supplier for the main retail chains in Europe and overseas and offers a wide range of products with its own brands: Besana and Vittoria Chocolatery. The industrial division supplies raw materials and special ingredients to the major multinational manufacturers as well as to the food service. Every year there are more than 1500 sku managed and 150 new launches.
Innovation, sustainable production and high quality are since ever the essential elements of the Besana Mission.
Palazzo Pegaso c/o Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli
Viale Fulco Ruffo di Calabria
80144 Napoli Italy
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